

Auntie Tay and Uncle Alex

Jadon, Ella, David, Colton, Nathan, and Adley
(Adley was hammin' it up, making a name for herself with all those cousins!!)

FINALLY!!!!! I met my Aunt Tiffy! And I LOVE HER!!!
My life is complete!!

A cold carriage ride through Old Town! 

And of course, our Tucker Jo! He loves to play with Adley! 

My First Christmas!

T'was the night before Christmas...
Santa brought me a walker! ...AND a bow!!!

My First Christmas! 

Must Be Santa, Santa Claus!!

Just too cute not to show them all! She thought Santa was magical!


7 months!

 My FAVORITE kind of laundry!

7 months and didn't think she could get cuter, but she did!

Happy Thanksgiving!

SO THANKFUL for this sweet little girl! She is the most precious gift from above! 

My Honey Bee :)

Happy Halloween!

Don't you just want to eat her up?!?!

6 months!