
Dun Dun Nah Nah......TADA!!!! Kitchen:)

Okay, so this is the FINISHED, everything brand new, except cabinets, but they are freshly painted with hardware, kitchen!!! As you scroll down you can see the in between, days when I may have cried because I came home to no floor :) and couldn't believe what we were getting ourselves into, and last you will see what we started with before we owned it! ENJOY!!! :)

Okay, so in our overly busy lives of work and our masters' programs, I'm not certain how we've managed to finish this little bungalow, but we have!!!!
We are soooo proud of it and we are just loving the house that we made into our own!
Aaaaannnnnddd, I just have to say how proud I am of my Cody! He and his dad did everything in the house, except refurbishing our original hardwood! They fixed all the quirks and yucky stuff in this oldtown house like crazy electrical outlets , uneven anything and everything, crummy, uneven cabinets and countertops, mold, asbestos, the kitchen subfloor, and honest to goodness everything in between! We've come a looooonnnngggg way!!!!

1 comment:

  1. That is beautiful! OMGosh you all did come a long way. I love it and it looks like it suits you two perfectly. I love remodel pics because I am in no way creative enough for that so I live vicariously through others who are capable. ;)
